Adorable Kittens Found on Hiking Trail Shower Rescuer with Affection

A pair of hikers stumbled upon three adorable kittens while out on a hike, as the tiny felines were meowing for help along the trail.

Janis and Dean Smith from Canada had an unexpected surprise during their hike on Bastion Mountain in British Columbia. While heading back to their car, they came across three adorable kittens on the road, mistaking one for a skunk at first glance. The kittens, abandoned without their mother, quickly approached the couple seeking attention, except for one who remained shyly hidden behind the others. With no one else around to care for them, the couple decided to take action and called their friend for assistance. Barbara Gosselin, the founder of Shuswap Paws Rescue, was reached out to and immediately stepped in to help. “I received a call late last night from the hikers who found these kittens in a remote area with no houses nearby. They brought them to me,” Barbara shared with Love Meow.

Shuswap Paws Rescue
Upon arrival, Barbara had a bowl of food ready for the three kittens who eagerly gathered around it and dug in.
It seemed like the kittens hadn’t had a decent meal in a while as they looked a bit on the skinny side. Once their tummies were full, they waddled over to Dennis Gosselin, Barbara’s husband, and began meowing in harmony, seeking some love and cuddles.

Shuswap Paws Rescue recounted a heartwarming story about Barbara’s husband Dennis bonding with a trio of adorable kittens. According to Barbara, the kittens wouldn’t stop crying until Dennis held them close and provided comfort. The kittens seemed to view Dennis as their “mom,” with one little Ragdoll-mix kitty even perching on his shoulder and enjoying being carried around the house.

Shuswap Paws Rescue shared a heartwarming video of kittens who were not only craving food but also desperate for love and affection. The adorable kittens, named Klum, Arkteryx, and Klymit, were rescued from a hiking trail and quickly adapted to their foster home, happily playing with toys. Check out the cute video on YouTube titled “Kittens found on hiking trail get second chance.”

Shuswap Paws Rescue
Barbara shared with Love Meow that Klum is a super cuddly feline with a booming purr. He can’t resist a good petting session and will pause his playtime for a cozy cuddle. Klymit, on the other hand, may be quiet but enjoys ear massages and Arcteryx is a bundle of energy, always ready to play and scale your back for some fun.

Shuswap Paws Rescue is currently housing three adorable feline brothers who absolutely love soaking up attention and snuggles from their foster parents. These playful kittens are still in foster care as they continue to grow and will eventually be available for adoption through Shuswap Paws Rescue and Critteraid Animal Sanctuary. They may be small now, but these sweet brothers have big personalities waiting to find their forever home.

Shuswap Paws Rescue is a haven for our furry friends. Whether they’re perched on your shoulder or happily kneading on a plush bed, their purrs of contentment can be heard throughout the shelter. It’s a joy to see them thriving in a loving environment, surrounded by food, toys, and plenty of cuddles from compassionate people.

Join the Shuswap Paws Rescue community by spreading the word about their heartwarming stories. Stay updated on the latest adventures of the rescued kitties by following Shuswap Paws Rescue on Instagram and Facebook. If you’re interested in lending a helping hand, check out ways to support their rescue mission by clicking here.
Don’t miss out on this related tale: A lone kitten discovered near the forest, forming an unbreakable bond with passing cyclists.

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